ITC DICOMpiler -- DICOM network (DIMSE) receiver / Series selector / (Part-10) Fileset formatter Release 31-Aug-2004 (version ================================================================================== Image-Guided Therapy Center Washington University St. Louis, Missouri PLEASE READ: This software is intended for use by institutions participating in advanced-technology clinical trials for submitting data to the Image-guided Therapy Center (ITC). The ITC will not be responsible for its use for any other purpose. DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS MADE AVAILABLE, AS IS, AND NEITHER ITC NOR WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MAKE ANY WARRANTY ABOUT THE SOFTWARE, ITS PERFORMANCE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY,OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE, FREEDOM FROM COMPUTER DISEASES OR ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY SPECIFICATION. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH THE USER ================================================================================== REVISION HISTORY ================================================================================== Altered the writing of DICOM files so that the original transfer syntax is maintained (EXS_Unknown). The reason for this alteration is that the DICOM Standard allows for the translation of a 32 bit offset to a 16 bit slot. This truncates offsets that are greater than 64K and this will cause the files to be misread. Added the Transfer Syntax to the data presented when the information button is pressed. Altered (0002,0013) ImplementationVersionName so now it writes ITC_DC_04050501 in the metaheader of every file generated with the DICOMpiler. Altered the Receiver so that all incoming files are written in Little-Endian Explicit transfer syntax. Altered the writing of the incoming DICOM files by Receiver to Little Endian Implicit from EXS_UNKNOWN. This means that all files within the DICOMpiler are Little Endian Implicit. Altered some code to remove redundancies and obsolete code. Altered the empty DICOMDIR to reflect that the internal code is Little Endian Implicit. Altered the representation of RT objects so that each is shown individually rather than being represented as a single series as are images(CT, MR,US). Altered the writing of DICOM files from Little Endian Explicit to Little Endian Implicit. The output was altered so the application no longer needed to incorporate dcmgpdir.exe and this program will no longer be distributed with the DICOMpiler. The new version simply writes a nearly empty DICOMDIR which contains the DICOMpiler version. Added several new tags and their respective entry. This is a list of all the altered tags so far.... (0010,0010) PatientsName: is Sponsor^Protocol^Case^PatientInitials (0010,0020) PatientID: is Sponsor^Protocol^Case^PatientInitials (0010,0030) PatientsBirthDate: NULL (0010,0032) PatientsBirthTime: Deleted (0010,0040) PatientsSex: NULL (0010,1000) OtherPatientIDs: Deleted (0010,1001) OtherPatientNames: Deleted (0010,2160) EthnicGroup: Deleted (0010,4000) PatientComments: Deleted (0012,0010) Clinical_Trial_Sponsor_Name: Insert Sponsor (0012,0020) Clinical_Trial_Protocol_ID: Insert Protocol (0012,0021) Clinical_Trial_Protocol_Name: NULL (0012,0030) Clinical_Trial_Site_ID: NULL (0012,0031) Clinical_Trial_Site_Name: NULL (0012,0040) Clinical_Trial_Subject_ID: Insert Case (0012,0042) Clinical_Trial_Subject_Reading_ID: Deleted (0012,0050) Clinical_Trial_Time_Point_ID: NULL (0012,0051) Clinical_Trial_Time_Point_Description: Deleted (0012,0060) Clinical_Trial_Coordinating_Center_Name: NULL Added the ability to process several more image modalities including PET, RG, CR and SC. The patient's initials field can now be left blank. Made several changes to the dialogue object to improve the look of the interface. Added a progress indicator to the receiver interface. This display indicates the number of files that have been received during this connection Added Info button. Selecting a file set in either window will enable the "Information" button on the interface. Click on this button creates a modal window that contains more information about the selected entry. The window is closed by simply clicking the "ok" button. Fixed memory leak in DICOMpiler; DICOMpiler now clears, but does not remove the Patient's Birth Date (0010,0030) and Patient's Sex (0010,0040) tags; includes new version (3.5.1) of OFFIS dcmgpdir utility. First public release. QUICK START QUIDE ================================================================================== I. System Requirements Operating systems: Windows 98, 2000, NT and XP Minimum screen resolution: 800x600 pixels Network: fixed IP address Available disk space: twice the size of received data sets II. Installing the Software (see INSTALLATION, below) Select the directory into which the application is to be installed Download ITC_DICOMpiler.exe Double click to run the DICOMpiler III. Configuring the DICOM sender (Storage Service Class User) Obtain Hostname/ IP Address of the receiver (machine on which DICOMpiler is installed) Configure sender to send to the node specified by the following 1.Domain Name: (IP Address of machine on which DICOMpiler is installed) 2.Port Number: 104 3.Application Title: ITC_STORESCP IV. Running the Software 1.Open application Click on ITC_DICOMpiler.exe to start the DICOMpiler application. 2.Start Receiver Click on the "Run DICOM Receiver" button on the bottom on the main interface. 3.Send from a DICOM source When the DICOM receiver is running, DICOM images and RT objects may be sent to this application. 4.Stop the DICOM receiver The number of files that have been received in this session will be shown on the receiver dialog. This number is reset to 0 each time the receiver is started. Once all data have been transferred, click the "Stop DICOM Receiver" button. 5.Select Series to be Included in DICOM Fileset To select a single image/RT object series, click on the image/RT object series in the upper (Available Series) list. Then click the single down-arrow icon located below the list of Available Series. To select all series, click the double down-arrow icon located below the list of Available Series. To unselect files (move them from the lower list), use the single up-arrow icon for one series or the double up-arrow icon for all series. When a file series is clicked on, a button labeled "information" appears. Pressing this button will popup a window containing addition information about the clicked file series. 6.Make Patient ID to identify the DICOM Fileset Enter the Study group identifier, the Protocol identifier, the Case number and the Patient's initials in the appropriate boxes. Click the "Make Patient ID" button. 7.Build Fileset Click the "Make CD fileset" button. (requires that a Patient ID has been created and at least one Series has been selected.) 8.Delete Selected Series Click the "Delete All Selected" button to remove all the files in the Selected Series window (these are stored in the \dcmtemp\ directory) 9.Quit the program Click the Quit Program button to exit the application. V. Copying the Files to Destination (CD or FTP) The contents of the \dcmcd\ directory may be written to CD-R using widely available CD writing software. Note that to create a CD-R volume which complies with DICOM Part 12, all files within the \dcmcd\ directory must be written to the root directory (i.e., X:\, where X is the drive letter of the CD-R drive). As an alternative to writing a CD-R, the contents of the \dcmcd\ directory may be transferred to the ITC using FTP with an assigned username and password. Since creating a new Fileset with the DICOMpiler application will overwrite the files currently in the \dcmcd\ directory, you should move the files to the destination CD after you create each set. Closing the DICOMpiler application after creating a Fileset is recommended to conserve memory. INSTALLATION ================================================================================== 1. Obtain ITC_DICOMpiler.exe from the ITC Web site( 2. Select the disk location (INSTALLDIR) for program files and data directories used by the DICOMpiler. Please note that the disk drive on which the program is installed must have sufficient free space to accommodate twice the size of the files you wish to process. Thus, if you selected an INSTALLDIR of "C:\DICOM", the path to the DICOMpiler executable will be "C:\DICOM\ITC_DICOMpiler.exe". 3. Running the "ITC_DICOMpiler.exe" starts the DICOMpiler application. If they do not already exist, the application creates the following data sub-directories in INSTALLDIR: dcmrcvr (stores received DICOM objects) dcmtemp (stores objects in selected Series) dcmcd (contains DICOM Part 10 Fileset files generated by DICOMpiler This directory is emptied everytime a new fileset is created) 4. In order to send DICOM objects to the DICOMpiler application, the DICOM sender must be configured with three pieces of information: a) Host Name (or IP Address) of the computer on which the DICOM receiver is installed. (Note that this must be a fixed IP Address.) b) Port Number (104 is the port number used by DICOMpiler) c) Application Title ("ITC_STORESCP" is the name used) 8/31/2004