8:00 AM |
Welcome by Local Hosts (O'Meara, Galvin) |
8:05 AM |
Project Officer Report (Deye) |
8:10 AM |
P.I.'s Report (Purdy)
- Summary of key issues from ATC Steering Committee Mtg
- EMBRACE Project
- Other issues
8:30 AM |
RTOG/ATC (O'Meara, Galvin, and RTOG Staff)
- Hands-on demonstrations of RTOG's informatics technology and workflow for clinical trials QA
- Review of current clinical trial QA efforts
- Update on ACR TRIAD-OA, VIEW
9:30 AM |
Tour of ACR Core Labs |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:30 AM |
ATC Committee on Credentialing/QA (Followill)
11:00 AM |
Update on QRRO-ATC efforts (Devlin, Owens, Bosch)
11:10 AM |
ATC Informatics Committee (Bosch)
- 2-year developmental schedule for QuASA2R (Bosch)
- Update on ATC efforts regarding DICOM WG-7, IHE-RO, and work
with RTP vendors to achieve ATC compliance (Bosch)
11:30 AM |
VisionTree Presentation (Christopher Malamet)
11:45 AM |
Q&A Session regarding VisionTree by ATC
12:00 PM |
1:00 PM |
RPC(ATC) Report,
Yr10 plans based on Yr9 accomplishments and ATC Steering Committee feedback (Ibbott)
1:20 PM |
QARC(ATC) Yr10 plans based on Yr9 accomplishments and ATC Steering Committee feedback (FitzGerald, Ulin)
1:40 PM |
ITC(ATC) Yr10 plans based on Yr9 accomplishments and ATC Steering Committee feedback (Bosch)
2:00 PM |
RTOG(ATC) Yr10 plans based on Yr9 accomplishments and ATC Steering Committee feedback (O'Meara, Galvin)
2:20 PM |
Open session (Purdy and all participants)
- Review of action items
- Review of software development priorities and time tables
- Develpment of new ATC action items list and priorities
- Preparation for ATC Evaluation Committee Meeting
- Set dates for next Meetings/Teleconferences
4:30 PM |
Adjourn |