ATC Method 2 Development Timeline at ITC

Test Cycle

Testing of ATC Method 2 at the Image-Guided Therapy QA Center (ITC) is performed using the test cycle outlined below.

  1. RCET installs updated software on POLARIS test server at ITC.
  2. ITC performs pre-test to evaluate basic functionality of software.
  3. POLARIS server is disconnected from Internet (TEST MODE).
  4. ITC tests software
    1. Evaluation of database state changes with data submission
    2. UI function checks
    3. Upload/download/comparison of test data
    4. Evaluation of administrative tools, web-based image viewer
  5. ITC reports findings to RCET (and ATC).
  6. POLARIS server is re-connected to Internet (UPDATE MODE)
  7. RCET updates software to correct problem(s).
  8. (Cycle repeats until software is stable and satisfactory for support of clinical trials.)

ATC Method 2 Test Reports

ATC Method 2 Test Reports issued by the ITC are linked below with a summary of findings in each.

  • Final Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.3 (6/23/05)
  • Pre-Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.4 (2/2/06)
  • Pre-Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.4.1 (3/8/06)
  • Pre-Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.4.2 (4/13/06)
  • Pre-Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.4.2.2 (6/5/06)
  • Pre-Test Report for ATC Method 2 v2.4.2.3 (6/13/06)

  • Developmental Time Line for RCET Software v. 2.4

    6/13/06 ITC issues pre-test report for version indicating that problems noted in version (failure to retrieve uploaded RTOG Data Exchage format data) remain.
    6/7/06 RCET announces resolution of problems in pre-test report (6/5/06) for version
    6/5/06 ITC issues pre-test report for version indicating failure to retrieve successfully uploaded RTOG Data Exchage format data (indicated in Electronic Folder).
    5/26/06 ITC receives notification that updated version with bug fixes based on internal QA and NCIC response has been installed on POLARIS server.
    5/8/06 RCET indicates release of version with bug fixes based on internal QA and NCIC response. ITC halts pre-test evaluation of version
    5/4/06 ITC begins pre-test evaluation of version
    5/3/06 RCET evaluates ITC pre-test report (4/13/06) and issues statement indicating resolution of MIME-types problem in downloading data from server
    4/13/06 ITC issues pre-test report for version 2.4.2 indicating failure to retrieve successfully uploaded data (viewable via Rapid Image Viewer)
    4/10/06 ITC begins pre-test evaluation of version 2.4.2.
    4/3/06 Release notes for version 2.4.2 and announcement that system is updated and ready for testing received by ITC.
    3/15/06 RCET installs updated WebSys client (v. 2.4.2) on POLARIS
    3/8/06 ITC issues pre-test report for version 2.4.1 indicating continuing failure to retrieve uploaded data (WebSys crashes)
    3/1/06 ITC receives formal notification that version 2.4.1 software is ready for testing
    2/10/06 RCET issues document identifying corrections planned to address problems found by ITC; teleconference held to discuss status
    2/2/06 ITC issues pre-test report for version 2.4 indicating WebSys client installation issues and failure to retrieve uploaded data
    1/13/06 RCET/ITC teleconference to review bug fixes in version 2.4
    1/12/06 ITC receives formal notification that version 2.4 software is ready for testing
    10/26/05 RCET begins installation of SQL Server, version 2.4 software
    10/12/05 ITC installs MS Windows 2003 server on POLARIS to support .Net Framework 2.0. RCET notified that server is ready for installation of SQL Server, RCET software.
    10/7/05 Continuing problems in grayscale rendering of Rapid Image Viewer prompt the use of JPEG 2000 compression under MS .Net Framework 2.0
    9/7/05 Decision to expedite completion of version 2.4 (postpone support for PET) confirmed at ATC teleconference
    8/24/05 Meeting (Bosch, Frouhar, Palta) at IHE-RO to finalize plans for version 2.4
    7/5/05 POLARIS server returned to UPDATE MODE for installation of version 2.4
    6/23/05 ITC presents detailed report of test results for version 2.3 at ATC meeting

    Send email to: itc@castor.wu
    Phone: 314-747-5415
    FAX: 314-747-5423

    Document maintained by Walter R. Bosch

    Last modified: