8:00 AM |
Project Officer Report (Deye)
8:15 AM |
P.I.'s Report (Purdy) |
- Approval of minutes from June 7, 2006 Teleconference
- Update on ATC activities
- Update on potential interactions with other cooperative groups
- ATC Website Review
- Update on caBIG In Vivo Imaging Workspace
- Treatment Planning Database Studies
- Schedule of ATC conference calls and next meetings
8:35 AM |
RTOG report on their ATC subcontract supported/related
efforts (Martin/Galvin) |
- Update regarding ongoing QA by RTOG of ATC supported protocols
- Review of RTOG Developing Protocols needing ATC Support
9:15 AM |
ITC report on their ATC supported efforts:
Part 1
Part 2
(Bosch/Straube/Purdy) |
- ITC/WUCON Network Re-configuration
- Update regarding Dry-Run test (including electronic data exchange)
credentialing of ATC supported protocols
- Update regarding ongoing data integrity QA by ITC of ATC supported
- Credentialing Events database UI
- ITC Data Security Policy / 21CFR11 Compliance - SOPs
- Update on ATC complianct Treatment Planning Systems and IHE Effort
9:45 AM |
RPC report on their ATC subcontract supported/related efforts
(Ibbott/Followill) |
Update regarding phantom/IMRT benchmark credentialing of ATC supported protocols
Update regarding ongoing QA by RPC of ATC supported protocols
Strategy to support GOG protocols by ATC
Update regarding Varian Eclipse brachytherapy software and other software needs
10:15 AM |
10:30 AM |
QARC report on their ATC subcontract supported/related efforts
(FitzGerald/Urie/Ulin) |
Update regarding IMRT benchmark credentialing of ATC supported protocols
Update regarding ongoing QA by QARC of ATC supported protocols (COG, CALGB, ACOSOG)
Update on caBIG In Vivo Imaging Workspace efforts
11:00 AM |
RCET report on their ATC subcontract supported/related efforts
(Palta/Frouhar) |
Update regarding Method 2 software development
Update on data mining tools
Other software development efforts
Update on caBIG In Vivo Imaging Workspace efforts
11:30 AM |
Status of implementing ATC Method 2a at ITC (Bosch)
11:45 AM |
NCIC report on use of ATC Method 3 and experience implementing ATC Method 2b (Field)
12:00 PM |
1:15 PM |
Status of NSABP B-39/RTOG 0413 support by ATC (Straube)
1:30 PM |
Status of ATC PET QA capability for ATC supported protocols
(Bosch) |
RTOG 0515
RTOG 0522
1:45 PM |
Status of JCOG 0403 Protocol: Phase II study of SBRT in patients with T1N0M0
NSCLC and second SBRT protocol (Bosch)
2:00 PM |
ATC support of potential protocols utilizing protons
2:15 PM |
Industry informatics efforts and how they may be integrated into ATC
(Industry representatives) |
TeraMedica (title slide)
IMPAC (title slide)
Varian (title slide)
3:35 PM |
Issues in 4DRT QA
4:00 PM |
Strategic planning for ATC Grant Renewal (Purdy)
4:00 PM |
Review of ATC Priority List and Open Discussion (Purdy and all participants)
5:00 PM |
Adjourn |