8:00 AM | Project Officer Report (Deye) | |
8:15 AM | P.I.'s Report (Purdy) | |
8:35 AM | Update on caBIG In Vivo Imaging Workspace (Purdy/Bosch) | |
8:55 AM | QARC report including update of ATC Method 1 Digital Data Submission Procedures and other issues and update in its use for Selected COG Protocols (FitzGerald/Urie/Ulin) | |
9:15 AM | Status of implementing ATC Method 2a at ITC | |
9:35 AM | NCIC report on use of ATC Method 3 and plans for implementing Method 2b (Field/Frouhar) | |
9:55 AM | Update on ATC compliant Treatment Planning Systems and IHE Effort (Bosch) | |
10:30 AM | ITC report on issues in credentialing and QA Review of AT Protocols | |
10:50 AM | RPC report on issues in credentialing and QA Review of AT Protocols (Ibbott/Followill) | |
11:10 AM | RTOG report on issues in credentialing and QA Review of AT Protocols (Martin/Galvin) | |
11:30 AM | Update regarding Varian Eclipse brachytherapy software and other software needs at RPC (Ibbott/Followill) | |
11:45 AM | RCET Plans for implementing WebSys Interface to Varian Eclipse (Dempsey) | |
12:00 PM | Lunch | |
1:15 PM | Review of ATC Guidelines for use of IMRT for intra-thoracic treatments, in which significant heterogeneities are encountered and tumor mobility is likely (Forster) | |
1:35 PM | Status of ATC PET support for advanced technology protocols (Bosch) | |
1:55 PM | HERMES system and how it is used in Clinical Drug Trials (Jeff Grenier/Richard Lewis) | |
2:15 PM | Status of JCOG 0403 Protocol: Phase II study of SBRT in patients with T1N0M0 NSCLC and second SBRT protocol (Ishikura) | |
2:30 PM | ATC support of potential protocols to compare protons to IMRT (Michalski/Purdy) | |
2:45 PM | Views on 3D data storage and outcomes analysis (Deasy) | |
3:00 PM | ITC Status Report (Bosch/Purdy) | |
3:20 PM | Strategic planning for ATC Grant Renewal | |
3:40 PM | Review of ATC Priority List and Open Discussion (Purdy and all participants) | |
4:00 PM | Adjourn |
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Document maintained by Walter R. Bosch
Last modified: